Cardboard - Backing card printing
Cardboard - Backing card printingCardboard - Backing card printingSilver Foiling - Backing card printing
Silver Foiling - Backing card printingSilver Foiling - Backing card printingMatt Laminated - Backing card printing
Matt Laminated - Backing card printingMatt Laminated - Backing card printingGolden Foiling - Backing card printing
Golden Foiling - Backing card printingGolden Foiling - Backing card printingGloss Laminated - Backing card printing
Gloss Laminated - Backing card printingGloss Laminated - Backing card printingFull Color - Backing card printing
Full Color - Backing card printingFull Color - Backing card printing92% Of Our Customers Generate Their Instant Custom Printing
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There are many small things of the daily usage which are so small in size but still very important one. They are required for the smooth functioning of the daily life, such as, the needles, the hair pins, the dress pins, the buttons and many other things. As these small things are difficult to sell in their individual capacity, they are stuck and fixed upon the small backing cards which are then sold to the end users.
When these backing cards, packed in the backing cards packaging boxes, are sold to the retailer, they are selected by the retail customers and are then sold to the end users. These backing card boxes are made with the disposable cardboard which is soft, light weight and thin in nature. These custom backing card packaging boxes are made with the flip type lid at the topside of the box.
As these small things of the daily usage are sold over the counter type products, they are sold after their inspection and see through. So, these backing card boxes are made with the see through window which is either left open or are covered with the thin layer of the clear and transparent UV Vinyl plastic sheath.
The custom backing card boxes are printed with the images of the small things in beautiful and stylish way. For the printing of the backing card packaging boxes Online and even the backing cards are printed with the most beautiful, stylish, bright, sparkling and glowing color scheme.
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